Liquid Silicone Rubber 500ml Kit
Platinum Cure Liquid Silicone Rubber 500ml Kit
Artko Pink Silicone Rubber
Uses - Can be used to create Soap Moulds, Cement Moulds, Jewellery Moulds, Candle Moulds, Metal moulds and just about anything with a solid surface.
Platinum Cure Pink Silicone Rubber is Food Grade and suitable for food moulds such as chocolates, cup cake moulds etc
1 x 250ml Part A Bottle
1 x 250ml Part B Bottle
- Mixing Ratio 1:1 by Volume (mls)
- 30 - 40 min working time
- Low Viscosity
- Shore Hardness 15A
- 4 - 6 Hour Cure Time
- Food Grade Non-Toxic
- Temperature resistance -30 degrees Celsius to 300 degrees Celsius
- High stretch resistance
- Moulds can be used many times over
How to use:
Use a non-silicone container for your mould that has straight sides and a flat bottom then place your items that you want to mould, right side up on the bottom of your container. You will need to make sure your object is weighted or stuck down so it doesn’t rise as you pour in your silicone liquid.
Mix in equal parts by volume, stirring well for 4 minutes scrapping down the sides and bottom of your mixing cup as you go.
Pour your thoroughly combined part A & B over your items to form mould. Wait 4 to 6 hours for the mould to fully cure and remove from the container.